Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Young Goodman Brown VS. Paul Essay - 1045 Words

Young Goodman Brown vs. Paul nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After studying the short stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† and Willa Cather’s â€Å"Paul’s Case†, I began to see many similarities within the two stories. Both of the main characters in each story have characteristics that could be looked at as being alike, but after analyzing each character I started to find that although alike in some aspects, these two characters are very different from one another. At first I noticed that both Goodman Brown and Paul are starved for attention, but in different ways. Next, I see that each character has issues with their past and are both trying desperately to overcome them. Finally, I found that each character’s main goal in†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. My journey, as thou callest it, forth and back again, must needs be done ‘twixt now and sunrise† (Hawthorne). I beli eve that this line that Goodman say’s to his newly married wife, is saying that he needs to become something in order for her to be proud of him. He needs to go on this journey and prove to himself that he is strong and will be able to find fulfillment in himself. Goodman Brown is a character, which has many problems within himself. His quest for internal greatness was shattered by his inability to accept who he was and get over his past. This eventually led to a life controlled by the devil. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Paul is the main character in Willa Cather’s short story titled, â€Å"Paul’s Case†. Paul is a very troubled young man who believes he is destined for greatness. He was always in trouble at school and was never content with being himself. Paul had a very troubling past where his father would constantly emotionally abuse him and was always looked down upon at school. Paul feels that his is stuck where he his and cannot control his own future. One symbol used in this story was Cordelia Street. This is the street that Paul grew up on and he talks about this street as being boring and common, much like his life. Paul has a real problem with his past and how to escape it. BecauseShow MoreRelated Analyses of Short Stories Essay examples4756 Words   |  20 PagesAnalyses of Short Stories Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† Goodman Brown was not asleep in this short story. As I read, I believed that Goodman did indeed meet the devil in the forest. If he had indeed dreamt about the trip he was sent on and meeting the devil, I think his nervousness would have been described in more detail then it was. Concentrating more on the anxiety he was feeling would have led the reader to believe that the events were not real. I also saw this storyRead MoreStifled Women in Yellow Wallpaper, Rappaccinis Daughter, and Beloved2739 Words   |  11 Pagesthis, Sethes attitude toward her prison was very upfront. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Blood Themes In Dracula - 1165 Words

What comes to mind when you hear Dracula? For me, it is simple. It reminds me of blood and aggression. The blood in Dracula is used in a significant, and important way. The blood theme goes a far way, as to how it is used in the story-line. It is used for the base of sexual response, such as the consumption and exchange of blood being used for the vampire’s sexual desire, it is also used as a mean of reproduction for the vampires, as well. I think we are all used to thinking vampires and their drinking of human blood revolves around their arousal of death and aggression towards humans. Of course, it is, but more so in depths of what I stated above. What exactly is the significance of vampires and their desire for blood?†¦show more content†¦Blood is an important symbol to the Christian religion. Christians take wafers, known as â€Å"holy eucharist† which is a sacred part of the religion, and a sip of wine in church that represent the blood of Christ. That being said, it does not come close to what they, the vampires believe in, but the point I am making here is that we all have something, that remains a symbol within our religion and beliefs. A catholic religion being the wine, and wafer-like symbol, and the vampire’s being the blood. The blood is clearly a symbol of, sexual desire, intercourse, and reproduction. Bringing into play, the famous quote, â€Å"I vant to suck your blood!† or in other words, the quote simply means, as it states, â€Å"I want to suck your blood†. Dracula and the three women vampires crave human blood and drain their victims of their blood, and Renfield gets his sustenance from the blood of insects and small animals. As I said before, the sucking of blood represents life, meaning more life and more power for the vampire, and death for its victim. Considering all their blood is drained, and also gained for the vampire. In the story, the three women vampires want to destroy Jonathan, and take his blood in a sexualized way, or more so a â€Å"deal†. When Dracula goes after Mina, he not only takes her blood as a â€Å"power† but he also has her drink his blood, inShow MoreRelatedThe Central Plot of Dracula787 Words   |  4 Pagesthe central plot of Dracula, he fulfils an important role in Stoker’s exploration of the central themes of the novel. This paper will examine how Renfield character is intertwined with the three central themes of invasion, blood and otherness. Firstly, through Renfield’s inner struggle we learn that he is ‘not his own master’ (Stoker, 211). The theme of invasion is revealed by the controlling and occupying powers of Count Dracula. Secondly, the reoccurring theme ‘the Blood is the Life’ (StokerRead MoreAnalysis Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1448 Words   |  6 PagesDracula is a widely known novel written by Bram Stoker in 1897. It is popular worldwide for its intense love story and backstory of the infamous Count Dracula. Stoker was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1847. As a child, he was very i ll, so in an attempt to entertain himself, he read several books and listened to the horror stories his mother told him. In turn, Stoker became interested in ghost stories and began writing them. Gothic fiction was a genre that was extremely popular during this time periodRead MoreDracula and the Threat of Female Sexual Expression by Bram Stoker1384 Words   |  6 Pageslate nineteenth century Irish novelist, Bram Stoker is most famous for creating Dracula, one of the most popular and well-known vampire stories ever written. Dracula is a gothic, â€Å"horror novel about a vampire named Count Dracula who is looking to move from his native country of Transylvania to England† (Shmoop Editorial Team). Unbeknownst of Dracula’s plans, Jonathan Harker, a young English lawyer, traveled to Castle Dracula to help the count with his plans and talk to him about all his options. At firstRead More Foreshadowing, Mood, Mythical Parallels, and Narrative Elements in Dracula1433 Words   |  6 PagesForeshadowing, Mood, Mythical Parallels, and Narrative Elements in Dracula      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the novel Dracula, by Bram Stoker, there is much evidence of foreshadowing and parallels to other myths.   Dracula was not the first story featuring a vampire myth, nor was it the last.   Some would even argue that it was not the best.   However, it was the most original, using foreshadowing and mood to create horrific imagery, mythical parallels to draw upon a source of superstition, and original narrative elementsRead MoreSex, Danger, Vampires910 Words   |  4 Pages Vampires Dracula is a worldwide known name. With movies, and books portraying the handsome but dangerous character. Today nobody ever considers the origins of Dracula, or the modern vampire. People do not take into consideration the evolution of the vampire story. Many don’t even know that vampire stories are often interpreted as allegories for the many themes present in the author’s society. Bram Stoker’s Dracula serves as a prime example of an allegory of his times. Stoker’s Dracula also set theRead MorePollution And Redemption In Dracula, By Anne Mcwhir1272 Words   |  6 PagesPollution and Redemption in Dracula, written by Anne McWhir, a Professor Emerita at the University of Calgary, analyzes the complex relationships between characters of Bram Stoker’s, Dracula. McWhir acknowledges seemingly opposing themes within Dracula, â€Å"Dracula is remarkable for its blurring and confusion of categories. Modem and primitive, civilized and savage, science and myth are confused; so too are other categories-good and evil, clean and unclean, life and death† (31). She explains the purposeRead MoreThe Use Of Gothic Elements In Dracula By Bram Stoker1698 Words   |  7 PagesVampires: How They Were Made Most people wonder where the idea of vampires came from and how did the first one come about. The novel, Dracula, is set and written in the nineteenth century during the Victorian era. The Victorian people had certain beliefs about Christianity and the roles of men and women in society. Women were allowed only to do certain things and were expected to do specific things in regards to men. The Victorian people also had their own interpretation of superstitions. StokerRead MoreThe Gothic Theme in Dracula by Bram Stoker Essay907 Words   |  4 PagesThe Gothic Theme in Dracula by Bram Stoker Bram Stokers Dracula is a true Gothic novel that belongs on any gothic literature course. Focusing in on the recurring themes, characters and settings used throughout the novel one sees how Dracula has set the standard for Gothic literature today. The theme in Dracula is that classic Gothic theme of the epic battle of good versus evil. In this novel this is expressed in a very direct way, there is never any question as to who is right and whoRead Moreâ€Å"Oh My God, My God, Pity Me! He Placed His Reeking Lips1303 Words   |  6 Pagesthroat!† Mina Harker shouted into the night thinking someone would hear. Mina Harker is the perfect example of an innocent woman. She follows the rules and is modest through every aspect of her life. Dracula tests her innocence to try and gain more power. Bram Stoker’s story Dracula expresses the theme of giving in to temptation and losing one s innocence through the characterization of Mina’s innocence being stripped away by Dracula’s temptations. In the 17th century, or rather the Victorian eraRead MoreEssay on Bram Stokers Dracula1698 Words   |  7 PagesBram Stokers Dracula Bram Stokers Dracula is one of the most renowned British novels of all time. It has left its marks on many aspects of literature and film. Many thematic elements are present throughout the story and have been interpreted in many ways. Stoker uses his characters to manifest the themes that he wishes to imply. Three themes that present themselves throughout the book are the theme of Christian Redemption, science and technology, and sexual expression. Christian Redemption

Monday, December 9, 2019

Fairy Tale Essay free essay sample

If you’ve ever read the story â€Å"The Ugly Duckling†, which I’m assuming most people did as a child, you’d know that there is a wonderful moral to the story. The moral is: you should never be ashamed of who you naturally are, because whether it’s tomorrow or a year from now, you are going to be happy with what you become. Always keep dreaming of and trying to be the best version of yourself that you possibly can, and one day you will be in the exact spot you wanted to be in all along. This tale taught me a very valuable lesson that I have carried with me throughout my life, and it will continue to help me through the rest of it. With that, I will say that it will be one of the first stories I read to my children when that part of my life comes around. We will write a custom essay sample on Fairy Tale Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would hope that it ends up helping them like it did me. Because as it turns out, when I was little, I was teased a lot, put down, bullied, and that put my self-confidence level at an all time low. I myself, felt like the â€Å"ugly† duckling, an outcast. When I was finally old enough to fully comprehend and use those important lessons I had learned to my advantage, it made a world of a difference. It showed me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that people, or animals in this case, seem to always dislike what they don’t understand. The other ducklings in the story picked on the little gray duck because he was different from them, and they didn’t understand why. People are the exact same way even at my age now, and it’s sad, but it’s something that becomes easier and easier to deal with as you age. In my opinion, this tale can only do good things for anyone who reads it. Whether it’s a child, a teenager, or even an adult. Anyone can take away some great values from it. Although, I think it can do especially great things for the children who read it. I know, from a personal experience standpoint, that it was a great influence on the way I thought about other people. I never wanted anyone to ever feel that way, like the odd one out, so I made extra sure that I treated everyone as equally as possible, and with as much respect as I could. All in all, I’d have to say that â€Å"The Ugly Duckling† is actually one of my favorite stories I read as a child. It instilled values that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. And I hope that when I read it to my kids one day, they take away some of the same wonderful things as I did from it. I’d hope that they’d be as influenced by the tale as I was.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Quirino Grandstand Hostage Drama Essay Essay Example

Quirino Grandstand Hostage Drama Essay Paper I. Introduction Although the history of snatch and hostage-taking is a really long one. it is merely comparatively late that there has been a systematic effort to understand the effects. both long-run and short-run. on persons and their households. This is an of import issue for clinical and academic grounds. The advice of mental wellness professionals is sought with increasing frequence with respect to the strategic direction of surety incidents and the clinical direction of those who have been abducted. There is grounds to propose that how best to assist those who have been taken surety is a sensitive and complex affair. and those who deal with such persons should be every bit good informed as possible since such events can hold long-run inauspicious effects. peculiarly on immature kids. We will write a custom essay sample on Quirino Grandstand Hostage Drama Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Quirino Grandstand Hostage Drama Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Quirino Grandstand Hostage Drama Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Manila surety crisis. officially known as the Rizal Park hostage-taking incident occurred when a dismissed Philippine National Police officer took over a tourer coach in Rizal Park. Manila. Philippines on August 23. 2010. Disgruntled former senior inspector Rolando Mendoza of the Manila Police District ( MPD ) hijacked a tourer coach transporting 25 people ( 20 tourers and a tour usher from Hong Kong. and four Filipinos ) in an effort to acquire his occupation back. He said that he had been summarily and below the belt dismissed. and that all he wanted was a just hearing and the chance to support himself. Negotiations broke down dramatically about 10 hours into the stand-off. when the constabulary arrested Mendoza’s brother and therefore incited him to open fire. As the shot began. the coach driver managed to get away. and was shown on telecasting stating â€Å"Everyone is dead† before being whisked away by police officers. Mendoza and eight of the sureties were killed and a figure of others injured. The MPD’s failed deliverance effort and gun-battle with the highjacker. which took around 90 proceedingss. were watched by 1000000s on unrecorded telecasting and the cyberspace. The Filipino and Hong Kong authoritiess conducted separate probes into the incident. Both enquiries judged that the victims had been unlawfully killed. and identified the Philippine officials’ hapless handling of the incident as the cause of the eight hostages’ deceases. The assault mounted by the MPD. and the ensuing shoot-out. have been widely criticized by initiates as â€Å"bungled† and â€Å"incompetent† . and the Hong Kong Government has issued a â€Å"black† travel qui vive for the Philippines as a consequence of the matter. II. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY It was August 23. 2010 when the whole universe alarmed in one of the most tragic surety taking happened in Quirino Grandstand Manila. Philippines. Many people were sad and shocked to what happened in the said event. At approximately 9:30 in the forenoon. dismissed committee constabulary officer Rolando Mendoza took surety 25 tourers from Hongkong and some Filipino staff who were in a coach to go forth Fort Santiago for Manila’s Rizal Park. The resulting surety lasted 11 hours and ended with nine persons. including the surety taker. dead. 1 and the other sureties were injured. Harmonizing to the study Mendoza is a hard-working and sort. He received tonss of award for being courageous and loyal to his profession. Mendoza said he was summarily dismissed without the chance to decently support himself. and that all he wanted was a just hearing. 2 and to acquire his occupation back. He did this manner merely to acquire attending the authorities functionary. As we all know Media is the most likely beginning of information for most people. In this sort of state of affairs it is really unsafe occupation for the media because he has to set himself in a topographic point that should be right. 3 but in what happened in the Quirino Grandstand Hostage taking crisis it seem that many media people were blamed because they reported beyond the bound. We are in the fact that a media individual serve as entree of information of issues that are of public concern even if they are at hazard. There were many media oversights in that incident. Towards the eventide of the surety taking. many media webs were covering the surety taking crisis unrecorded. Among none of them did it look to hold occurred to that irresponsible coverage of the event could be lives. 4 Some of them during the surety event reported the unconfirmed information. they revealed the constabulary and military personnels motion and many more oversights that caused the choler of Mendoza. III. BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS ( HOSTAGE TAKER AND CAPTIVE/S ) IV. MOTIVES IN THE INCIDENT Taking sureties has a long history as a method. with variable effectivity. of procuring grants from persons. administrations and authoritiess. More late. it has become a popular maneuver among terrorist administrations. Although the resiliency of persons should neer be underestimated. there is grounds that being taken surety can hold digesting effects. peculiarly on kids. Persons vary in how they cope with such an experience. both during and subsequent to it. The literature demonstrates that the research base is limited. and many of import inquiries remain to be answered. Hostage-taking is an country of clinical and scientific involvement. Apart from the demand to set up the most effectual post-incident intercessions for single sureties and their households. there are chances to develop farther penetrations into the kineticss and effects of unequal power relationships. V. PROBLEMS The ideal equipment of a SWAT squad more or less are as follows: communicating setup. armour waistcoat. helmets. gas mask. handguns. assault rifles for close one-fourth conflict. handlocks. synchronized tickers. field glassess. telescopes. dark vision goggles. buffeting random-access memories. ladders. ropes. stun grenades. tear gas. fume grenades. stick visible radiations. torchs. limelights. telescopic gun sights. hydraulic knuckleboness. bolt cutters. glass shutter explosives. fire asphyxiator. fireman’s ax. concatenation saw. SWAT new wave. baseball mitts. woodworking tools. acetylene torch and rain cogwheels. There was deficiency of equipment on the portion of Manila SWAT to manage the state of affairs. Although they had their basic arms such as their armour waistcoat ( the effectivity are already in deep inquiry ) . their rifles. handguns and Kevlar helmets but still by criterions. these are non equal to turn to the surety crisis state of affairs. It is really apparent that they were non even transporting with them torchs but all of the clip they were describing and kicking that the inside of the coach was dark. The deficiency of equipment already put the breaching operation into a via media. The component of surprise was gone that resulted into a stall that lasted for erstwhile thereby jeopardizing lives. The uncertainty sing the effectivity of their armour vest contributed to the apprehensiveness of the SWAT members to hotfoot inside the coach during the assault. The Manila SWAT was non merely ill-equipped but they were non trained in different sorts of state of affairss. In fact they had to practise on the really twenty-four hours of the surety state of affairs. The preparations of the Manila SWAT as provided by the Manila Police District are non updated and simulated operations were conducted. if of all time conducted. was a long clip ago. They don’t even cognize the consecutive Numberss of their guns at an instant question. They train on their ain personal history. Skill acquired through preparations diminishes after some clip and demands to be invariably updated. VI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE CRISIS MANAGEMENT TEAM VII. Decision The grounds presented for the decriminalisation are evidently overpowering. In a nutshell. by all criterions. Gen. Magtibay was an unqualified commanding officer. organiser and director. To exceed this off. he was besides grossly and recklessly insubordinate at a most important minute. One is tempted to set the whole incrimination on the surety fiasco upon him. if non for the every bit inexplicable oversights and indecisivenesss committed by both his higher-ups and work forces all throughout the surety crisis. specifically on scheme. intelligence. coordination. and deployment. But it is without inquiry that he carries the biggest answerability for the black and homicidal result of the surety crisis. As such. it stands to ground for the Senate and the House of Representatives to give decriminalisation of libel a opportunity. Honestly. as an person I got pissed off because those people tasked to manage the state of affairs didn’t do it by the book. First and foremost to be considered is the safety of the sureties which as viewed was neer the order of precedence of those people expected to salvage same. In all hostage-taking play that I’ve known. neutralizing the hostage-taker is no. 1 in the docket. which if ab initio done could hold prevented the slaughter. I merely hope this won’t go on once more. but if it does- merely neutralize the hostage-taker one time and the play will stop! It’s such a black and hideous event that the merely positive thing we get out of the experience is to larn something from it. From that Learn we have to our errors. . VIII. Recommendation The probe study besides recommended administrative or condemnable charges for 15 persons and organisations. including Manila city manager Alfredo Lim. Vice-Mayor Isko Moreno. ombudsmen Merceditas Gutierrez and Emilio Gonzales III. authorities undersecretary Rico J. Puno. retired Philippine National Police main manager general Jesus Verzosa. National Capital Region Police Office manager Leocadio Santiago Jr. . Manila Police District head overseer Rodolfo Magtibay. MPD surety negotiant Orlando Yebra. SWAT commanding officer Santiago Pascual. journalists Erwin Tulfo and Mike Rogas. and three broadcast medium webs. The IIRC recommended that an administrative instance be filed against negotiant constabulary Superintendent Orland Yebra and that possible condemnable liability should be determined. but the Palace merely recommended disregard of responsibility without any recommendation on possible condemnable instance. The IIRC besides recommended that Chief Inspector Santiago Pascual be held apt for gross incompetency and possible condemnable action. but the Palace affirmed the gross incompetency instance without recommendation for possible condemnable liability. The filing of administrative and condemnable instances against Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim. but Malacanang said that Lim should be held apt for simple disregard of responsibility and misconduct. Charges be filed against several personalities but the recommendation was revised when it reached Malacanang. IX. Reference1. First Report of the INCIDENT INVESTIGATION and REVIEW COMMITTEE on the August. 23. 2010 Rizal Park Hostage-taking Incident: Sequence OF EVENTS. EVALUATION and RECOMMENDATIONS. Incident Investigation and Review Committee. September 16. 2010. pp. 9–10. 16. 22. 24. 2. †Hong Kong criticizes managing of Manila surety crisis† . Reuters. August 23. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. reuters. com/article/2010/08/23/us-philippines-hostage-hongkong-idUSTRE67M35B20100823. Retrieved July 14. 2011. 3. Mair. John ; Blanchard. Ben ( August 24. 2010 ) . â€Å"Philippines defends handling of coach surety crisis† . International Business Times. 4. hypertext transfer protocol: //uk. ibtimes. com/articles/45880/20100824/philippines-defends-handling-