Sunday, June 9, 2019

Adventure Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Adventure Tourism - Essay ExampleIn this context, touristry offered by the state is re onlyy important for people of weak financial status, whereas tourism products that are designed specifically for people with a strong financial background, can be just a part of daily life without a significant value for the people involved (in monetary value of expectancy). However, in terms of pleasure tourism products are welcomed by people of all social levels around the world. It has to be noticed that tourism has been developed a lot in particular the last decade where a series of tourism products have appeared and are offered to the public (or to a more limited part of the population). Under these terms, the adventure tourism products have expanded internationally and keep on gaining the preference of people in the global community. The types of these products are many, however because they have common characteristics they can all be evaluated simultaneously with just slight differentiat ions referring most(prenominal)ly to their structure and the facilities used for their realization.The development of tourism around the world has been in accordance with the potentials of all(prenominal) particular geographical area (in terms of landscapes and facilities provided) as well as the preferences of tourists as they are expressed through the tourism products chosen worldwide. In this context, it has been state by Werner (2003, 141) that within the past century, international tourists have increasingly sought exotic destinations in their pursuit of relaxation, escape, and adventure recognizing the opportunity to earn valuable remote currency, developing countries have catered to these desires by encouraging tourism development. The types of tourism products offered by each country are depended on a series of parameters with most important its ability to respond to the requirements set by these products from a financial and environmental aspect as already expected abov e. For this reason, it is hardly

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