Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Alcoholism as the Plot Builder of Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned Essay

To echo Fitzgeralds petition of Antony Patchs messed up behavior, As pass approached it seemed that a sort of madness seized upon Anthony. He awoke in the morning so nervous that Gloria could feel him shaky in the bed before he could scratch enough vitality to stumble into the pantry for a drink. He was intolerable now except chthonian the influence of liquor, and as he seemed to decay and alter under her eyes, Glorias soul and body shrank by from himCITATION Fit02 p 111 l 1033 (Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 111) This is a word picture of a desperate mans disembodied spirit that has turned to alcoholic bever grow afterward experiencing multiple frustrations in life all through his adulthood and a wife who is drawn away from him for this reason. How Antony Patchs character is molded and developed in the novel is just but a reflection of the messed lives of more uber-rich adults who were lucky enough to be born in rich families but ended up blowing up life quantify opportunities i n wasteful es lieades of lavish using up during the excessive deglutition and p subterfugeying Jazz Era of the 1920s.Ideally, The pretty-pretty and blamed is ab forbidden Anthony Patch who is married Gloria gigabyte and they ar hypnotized with the party life. They lead an fast life where they enjoy throwing and attending parties which eventually develops to a habit of inebriation o a chance(a) basis. Such was the life of Anthony Patch who had mastered the art of laziness leading a valueless life only eager for his grandpa to pass on so as to inherit his multimillion fortunes .Patchs drinking habits were picked while at school in Princeton where his sign life was tied around books but delinquent to peer influence channeled through his schoolmates who thought of him as being dull and a hopeless romantic, he besought to drinking just like the rest of his peers and vowed to look for the world and party using his family fortune. At several(prenominal) point in life, Anthony Patch is enrolled into Camp hustler during the war years but he proves to be mentally disoriented as he spends his eld in the camp getting drunk and to cap it all picked up a mistress. Though the impinge on of enrolled into Camp Hooker is considered as a loyal unmatched, his friends at the camp are another senseless lot who gratify and support his drinking tendencies by indulging in the same with him. His drinking trysts benefit him a favorite among his camp buddies for he is tough respect for the incessant parties he throws while at camp thus putting to light squalor and stupidity of his friends CITATION Mau22 l 1033 (Maunsell, 1922).Patch thusly meets Gloria Gilbert who beauty is impeccable and he is rapidly swept off is feet as he vows to surveil his romantic desires to his lifes death with Gloria. Gloria herself is a replica of Antony for her dogma is satisfaction of worldly pleasures as she selflessly puts it herself, If I wanted anything, Id take it I cant be bothe red resisting things I want (Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 235) It is with the same creed that she detests her husbands inability to continuously preserve her lavish and innumerable cocktails. Just like everyone else, this twin turns to alcoholism to camouflage their life frustrations to the extent that Anthony cannot do without a taste of the bottle described in Glorias own words, Oh no, he doesnt state it anymore unless he can hardly endure up, andhe talks alright till he gets excited. He talks muchbetter than he does when hes sober. But hes been sitting here all day drinking-except for the time it took him to walk the corner for a newspaper (Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 398) This debut at towards the end of the novel shows how despicable and upright Antony patchs life has been on alcohol after missing out on his grandfathers fortune and the same being say towards a servant.Perhaps, Patchs party and drinking habits were fueled by the fact that he was heir to a rich empire built by his rath er strict disciplinarian grandfather who gave no room to unvalued morals. An event where he walks into one of Gloria and Antonys raucous wild party at their apartment is a representation of his disgust and stain for irresponsible behavior. His body language and events that transpire after this speaks volumes about his disciplinary antics at the party, he stares at a white-faced Antony with disgust and in disbelief and utters louvre denouncing words to the young man in preliminary of him, Well go back to Suttleworth..(Fitzgerald, 2002, p. 235) The mood in the mood is all somber, both Gloria and Patch are frightened by Cross Patchs presence but he silently walks out of the room after his works. Repercussions that follow are that gets disinherit of his grandfathers fortune and it is directed towards a servant. They contest the decision after his grandfathers passing but it only makes them more abject as they entrenched deeper into alcoholism to drown their sorrows. The diabolic an d beautiful closes as tragic story of an someone who had it all but wasted the opportunity through lavish parties and alcoholism to end up in a wheel chair by age thirty three.ReferencesFitzgerald, F. S. (2002). The Beautiful and The Damned . New York Simon & Schuster .Maunsell, F. L. (1922, knock against 5). Latest Works of Fiction The Beautiful and The Damned . Retrieved October 11, 2014, from The New York Times http// start document

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