Monday, July 29, 2019

The Problem of Scepticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Problem of Scepticism - Essay Example The problem of skepticism may be divided into ‘what’ can be known by a person because every individual has a certain amount of knowledge about plenty of things and most people presume a great number of things from the implications of the situation at hand. Some of these facts may seem to be so true to a person that anyone doubting them would be doing a very pointless job. For example, one writes with a pen on a paper; this is a very common aspect of daily living and it is not possible to be skeptic about such a statement because it is quite obvious that a pen is an instrument one uses to write on paper. However, it may so be understood that just because most people believe in a certain aspect of life, it may not actually be true. For example, earlier, people were under the impression that the world was flat and not round, however, science proved them wrong by making it clear that the Earth is round and it revolves around the sun unlike popular theory at the time accordin g to which the Earth was the major segment of the universe around which every star and planet revolved. Optical illusions are another aspect of beliefs that most people have which do not turn out to be true in the end. Sometimes people presume that they are seeing someone familiar from a distance however on coming closer they realize that they are mistaken about the same and that it is a different person. Optical illusions play tricks on a person’s eyes and make them believe in something that does not exist. It is possible to be skeptic about everything that occurs around oneself however, in that case, it will not be possible to believe in what the reality or actuality of the situation is. If one keeps going on about this fashion, then it might not be easy to understand when to stop questioning and when to start believing in what is happening around a person. A man will be caught up in infinite regress if he goes on doubting everything happening around him and will not be abl e to differentiate between an experience and an actual situation.  

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