Saturday, August 24, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Evidence-Based Practice - Assignment Example ew of the secondary literature was conducted by selecting different research papers which were focusing on the use of echocardiography and chest x-ray in the diagnosis of various cardiac problems. The keywords explored were heart problems in teenagers, chest X-ray vs. Echocardiogram and cardiac disorders diagnosis. The databases used for the search include Google scholar, Ebscohost and PubMed. To understand the use and function of echocardiography and chest x-ray, different websites were searched on Google search engine. Literature review showed that a number of studies were available on using chest X-ray and echocardiography in cardiac problems especially for evaluating cardiomegaly. However, no relevant data was found related to teenagers. Research revealed that the heart problem is a major issue in adults therefore; studies have conducted to examine the utility of the two diagnostic tests in cardiac problems in elderly and adults. The research has limitation of not having related data for the use of chest X- ray and echocardiogram in studying cardiac problems of teenagers. No comparative analysis was found on search. The studies comparing data of both diagnostic tests on a practical setting and primary research were included however; studies that do not address the comparison of both tests and representing limited population were exempted from the research. Two studies were chosen for interpreting the comparison data. On the other hand, three sources were used to explain the key concept of both t ests and the research. Different Approaches and tests are used for the diagnosis of heart problems in teenagers admitted in medical telemetry unit. These include a physical examination, Chest X-ray and Echocardiogram. Chest X-Ray is an important diagnostic test for determining heart problems in individuals. It is used for viewing the picture of lungs and heart to determine their shape, blockages, fluid accumulation in lungs and pulmonary congestion (Dickstein et al.,

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