Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Correlation between Unemployment and Divorce Rates in the United Term Paper

The Correlation between Unemployment and Divorce Rates in the United States - Term Paper Example A tendency to emphasize the social and economic costs of unemployment on society in the aggregate avoids the clear and definite problems that joblessness creates in the home. Some of these household challenges are responsible for lowering levels of subjective well-being in society, which exacerbates the negative overall effects of unemployment. One particularly troubling hypothesis is that divorce tends to increase to some degree in proportion to unemployment rates in developed countries (Jensen & Smith, 1990). The marriage destabilization caused by the loss of a job and the perhaps long-term unemployment that results may explain a great number of divorces. However, especially as one deals with aggregate population data from past years, one is not dealing with causal inferences but rather correlational observations. While it is intuitive to speculate that unemployment increases risk to divorce, one could wonder whether divorce is likely to increase unemployment. It does not seem out of the question that marital instability increases one’s chances of being dismissed or issuing a resignation from his or her work. In fact, Rogers and May (2003) found a significant correlation between increases in marital discord (defined as thoughts or actions supportive of divorce) and declines in job satisfaction. Finding a statistical correlation between unemployment and divorce would signify a number of things, namely that individuals facing long-term unemployment but are happy in their marriages should take steps to ensure the sustainability of that relationship through financial hardships. At a broader level, predictors of unemployment can also be taken as predictors of higher divorces, which give society a chance to plan for increased levels of marital instability in addition to unemployment

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