Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Good Documentation is Good Communication Nursing Care Plans Essay

Good Documentation is Good Communication Nursing Care Plans - Essay Example This essay approves that despite so many potential beneficial aspects covered in the nursing care plan, it continues to be regarded as a mere additional burden to work or just a waste of time. It is a sorrow to see this reflection of some experts in the healthcare system. A document as an additional attempt to make more scientific and applicable the care system is the nursing care document. Its preparation, maintenance, usage, application, and respect can certainly add to the good documentation practice. And good documentation practice has always been a preferable and better means of good communication. In an attempt to explain the crucial points for patient’s care, a nurse may be required to depart from much of her on-duty time. This loss of time can also become a cause of less potential care imparted to the patient in the span of specific time. A plan, its document can ease the need of explanation and ensure more specificity and knowledge to the learner. This report makes a conclusion that it is thus essential to maintain twenty-four hour outcome summaries in documented form. The document should be updated daily in the progress notes by the responsible registered nurse. This nursing care plan document should include any difficulties observed during the process of achieving the set goal. It should also include any changes and or/ deviations that were made in the care plan and family’s contribution in an attempt to achieve the document specified goal. The plans that are required to address an incurable but manageable ailment or symptom should be addressed.

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