Friday, October 18, 2019

Modern - Postmodern Art PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Modern - Postmodern Art - PowerPoint Presentation Example The essay "Modern - Postmodern Art" investigates modern and postmodern art. Art was more a part of an instrument for magic. Certain Madonnas remain veiled through out the year. Keeping these idols away from the public view enhanced their ritualistic cult value. The exhibition value of the work of art displaced the cult value only later. It was photography of all modern arts that made this displacement complete. Lascaux paintings seen in the Lascaux caves in Southwestern France are Paleolithic paintings as old as 17300 years. The images are that of animals, human figures and abstract signs. The researchers point out that these images are spiritual in nature and relate to the visions of ritualistic trance dances. They represent the past success in hunting and also constitute prayers for the success of the future hunting efforts .All these show that these paintings were not meant for public exhibition. So the act of opening the caves to the public in 1948 it self can be considered in a sense, as failing the very purpose of the creation of these painting. Hence the closing down of the caves cannot be considered as a crime against the art lovers. Modern or post modern art lover is more a consumer of art than a connoisseur of art. He thus will not be much worried about whether he is viewing the original or the duplicate. The concept of the original has become a myth in the modern society. From the negative of a photograph one can take as many prints as one needs. The question of the original does not arise at all.

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