Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Significance of Organizational Behaviour in Managing Human Resources Essay

Significance of Organizational Behaviour in Managing Human Resources - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in almost all cases, human resources are considered as the key towards the success of a business organization. Considering the tight competition in the global markets, proper management of human resources has gained importance within the private and public sector. In general, this report will discuss the significant contribution of organizational behavior in the management of human resources. Â  As compared to the use of another leadership style, this report will highlight the benefit of using transformational leadership style when it comes to managing, motivating and maximizing the use of each employee’s talent and acquired skills. With this in mind, differences between the benefits of using transformational leadership will be compared with the use of autocratic, authoritative and transactional leadership approach to managing employees. Also related to the idea of motivating employees to perform well in their assigned task, th is report will explore the benefit of using intrinsic rewards over the use of an extrinsic form of rewards. A corporate leadership is a special skill that each manager should possess in order to make them become a competent leader. In almost all circumstances, it is unacceptable for a leader to make a quick judgment towards people and/or a business situation without having a concrete evidence to back him up in the end. It means that a good leader is expected to have a combination of wisdom, integrity, sensitivity, and tenacity (WITS). Since a manager must always base decisions on concrete facts, the author mentioned that a good leader must have these traits to be able to have a clear vision of the business trends. Kotter mentioned that having a good leadership skill is important in terms of enabling managers to become more effective in terms of delegating the task to each employee. Even though there are some managers who are fully equipped with proper management skills, some of them will remain unable to make a business successful in terms of competing in the global market because of the absence of good leadership skill.

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